General Rules For School

Attendance: Regular and punctual attendance is mandatory for all students. Absences must be reported to the school, and make-up work may be required.

Uniform and Dress Code: Students must adhere to the prescribed uniform and dress code. Appropriate grooming and personal hygiene are expected at all times.

Respectful Behavior: Students are expected to treat everyone with respect, including peers, teachers, staff, and visitors. Bullying, harassment, or any form of disrespectful behavior is strictly prohibited.

Academic Integrity: Students must maintain high standards of honesty and integrity in all academic work. Cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of academic dishonesty will result in disciplinary action.

Cell Phone and Electronic Devices: The use of electronic devices during class hours may be restricted. Students should follow any guidelines set by the school regarding the use of cell phones and other electronic gadgets.

Homework and Assignments: Students are responsible for completing and submitting homework and assignments on time. Procrastination and repeated failure to submit work may lead to consequences.

Cafeteria and Lunchtime Behavior: Students are expected to follow cafeteria rules, maintain cleanliness, and exhibit proper behavior during lunchtime. Respect for food service staff and consideration for others are essential.

Hallway Conduct: Quiet and orderly behavior is expected in hallways between classes. Running, pushing, or disruptive behavior in common areas is not permitted.

Participation in School Activities: Students are encouraged to participate in school-sponsored activities, clubs, and events. Active engagement fosters a sense of community and personal development.

Health and Safety: Students are responsible for their own safety and the safety of others. Following safety protocols, reporting hazards, and participating in emergency drills are essential components of maintaining a secure school environment.

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